Bart is produced untouched by the highest hygiene standards and using advanced technology by adding fruit flavor to the mineral structure of the natural spring water used in the production of carbonated beverages. The low level of sodium in the natural spring water used in Bart carbonated beverage production ensures that the fluid balance in the body is kept at a normal level.
Bart’s natural spring water used in carbonated beverage production is very rich in calcium, magnesium and other minerals. Since the minerals in the natural spring water used in Bart carbonated beverage production are rich, most of the minerals taken from fruits and vegetables can be taken daily with Bart carbonated drink. You should try the freshness of apple, cucumber, mint-lemon, lemon flavors and fresh fruit flavors with Bart fizzy drink.
Thanks to the carbon dioxide that creates bubbles in Bart carbonated beverage, you can meet the water need more effectively with its cooling effect. Bart carbonated beverage allows you to have a fit and active day thanks to the carbon diokstit bubbles without caffeine. By combining the carbon dioxide in the Bart flavored carbonated beverage with the natural fruit flavors, the fruit flavors are perceived fresher and the refreshing effect emerges.
Bart carbonated drink; Cucumber, apple, mint-lemon, lemon flavored varieties show a detox effect, helping to remove toxins in the body without harming the body. Bart soda helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent chronic diseases, strengthen weak bones, reduce toxins, and keep your body moist and fresh by showing detox effect with the natural fruit flavors contained in the carbonated beverage. Bart drinks, which we will consume for our daily liquid needs, are produced with 100% natural fruit flavor, by applying the highest hygiene standards and using advanced technology.
Bart products are produced according to ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 international quality standards and have halal content. You should try the freshness of apple, cucumber, mint-lemon, lemon flavors and fresh fruit flavors with Bart fizzy drink. You can meet your water needs more effectively with the cooling effect of carbon dioxide, which provides bubble formation in Bart products. Bart products do not contain caffeine. With the carbon dioxide contained in Bart products, the natural fruit flavor flavors are perceived fresher and the refreshing effect emerges. In Bart products, cucumber, apple, lemon-mint, lemon flavored varieties show a cleansing effect and help to remove toxins in the body without harming the body.